This short offering stems from a recent social media post in my feed. Rather than engaging in a comment battle with the person who posted it, I decided to share my thoughts here. I hope it helps to shine a light on some of the current ideas in circulation.
As some of you may already know, I was a geology major in college. During my time in the geology program, I learned AMAZING things about the Earth, including the scientific fact that the Earth has always experienced natural periods of heating and cooling. The heating cycle leads to the cooling cycle, and this repeats as a natural recurring phenomenon — by design.
And since the enemy takes Truth and twists it for his own purposes, we now have the lie of “climate change” circulating in our bought-and-paid-for media outlets. The scientists who claim that climate change is to blame for this natural heating cycle have been deceived. Can we do things to make our environment less clean and cause harm? Absolutely. Can we change the design of the Earth and interrupt God’s plans? Certainly not. His sovereign plan cannot be altered by man.
Another noteworthy discovery from my geology studies stems from a conversation I had with one of my most-revered professors. During a discussion about carbon dating, I questioned the reliability of the “constant” we used in our equations to determine the age of organic artifacts. “What if the constant is wrong?” I asked. My professor appeared to be caught off-guard with the question, but after several moments had passed, she responded, “Then every date would be wrong.” Which would include the age of the earth and all of the artifact dates that have been recorded thus far.
You see, the constant we use for our carbon dating equations was determined by a scientist who wanted to make his theories work. And if we know anything about people, it’s that they’re not perfect.
I pray that your constant is immovable, infallible Truth that has no agenda except for your eternal wellbeing. He is the constant we all need.

“I For I, YHWH, do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed. From the days of your fathers you have turned aside from my statutes and have not kept them. Return to me, and I will return to you….” -Malachi 3:6-7
Love and blessings,
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