Hey y’all, welcome to my blog! I’m Emily — Christian. Wife. Mama.

Here are a few of my recent posts that might interest you:
- constantThis short offering stems from a recent social media post in my feed. Rather than engaging in…
- should i vote?That is the question for so many Christians right now. When faced with choosing between two less-than-Christlike…
- speak nowBrothers and sisters in Christ: Don’t tell them about your church. Don’t tell them about your pastor….
To learn a little about me, read on below!
I’m a southern woman, made of grit and gumption. I am a follower of Christ, a wife to David, and Mama to Grace. This blog is just like me – a work in progress. It’s a testament to how good God’s grace is, as He reaches out to us and calls us back to Him. I’ve found that the key to a life well-lived includes a daily walk with God, exploring His Word while sipping some good coffee.
Check out my recent blog posts or some of my most popular blogs to find out what I’ve been up to lately, and be sure to sign up for the email newsletter on my website; I’ll be sending out some goodies from time to time!
Thanks for reading along and supporting my journey. 😀